Hey look I changed up my blog for a crisp, new, clean, simple look. What do you think. I like it. I think it is just simply splendid.
I go through bogging phases and well a lot of time has passed since I paid much attention to this blog so I figured I better give you all something to look at- including myself.
20 Things that I love about today:
- My roommates.
- The aching in my butt from Crossfit.
- Not having homework due tomorrow.
- Taco Tuesdays at IWA.
- Being on campus all day long.
- Getting free food at the Blood Drive (even though I couldn't donate they still gave me food).
- Adobe Illustrator
- Birthday Parties.
- Talking to old friends on campus.
- Long talks with Mom on the phone.
- Finding out Shay won her basketball game.
- Brushing my teeth.
- Hiding in a small bathroom, anticipating a surprise and having to go pee!
- The J3 boys.
- Coloring pictures on my phone and sending them to people.
- Writing in my journal.
- Watching the bus get stuck on the hill because of the snow (it made me laugh all day long, even if it did cause me to be late for class).
- Interviewing for a job I didn't want. (I am not being sarcastic, I like to be interviewed about myself!)
- "Good Morning" text messages - They just make my day!
- Having a class with my cousin Shalysse. (I know I added #21. because today was worth it)
- Not doing any of my homework. . . yes this makes me happy for today.
Other fun facts about today:
- I got a few emails from people complimenting me on my photography and asking me to take their pictures!!! Super excited (By the way I am going to start the process of switching my major this week. I am going to start with photography and then possibly do a double major.)
- D4 is currently beating the J3 boys at war- D4 has three points and J3 only has one.
- I get to see my mommy and my sister come Saturday afternoon and I am extremely excited!
Guess what world. Kels is back! I lost myself last semester. I honestly think I went into a state of depression- I did the whole college thing backwards. . .you know where the student gets homesick at the beginning of the semester and gradually grows away as the year goes on- well I did that entirely opposite. I covered everything- All my time was consumed to mask the pain of being alone in this big world. (I come from a small town. I am/was naive and jumping head first into a situation like this caused me shock.) So when I started to gather up all my pieces at the end of last semester and tried to put them together they wouldn't fit. I felt like things were going all wrong and all I wanted to do was run away and get back to my comfort zone. I couldn't though- it was gone. I felt more lost and alone than I have ever felt. That is when I decided things needed to be done and I needed to take action to get my life back on track.
I believe that the hardest things we go through cause us to grow the most. I believe that we are given trials to sculpt us into the servants that the Lord needs in his army. I believe that we are challenged to prove ourselves and our endurance. I also believe that "there is now growth in the comfort zone and there is no comfort in the growth zone." - Carol Lee J. The end of last semester was rough- I don't know how else to phrase it. I tried blaming it on the weather, you know the whole "winter-blues" type of thing, but that most defiantly wasn't the case. I had to find myself- I was lost. It hurt, at times it felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest, jumped on by an obese kid with a pogo stick, and then field goal kicked right back into my rib cage. Agony. But most defiantly worth it.
I didn't realize how bad I was until days like this when I look back and think about how miserable I was. I think about what I went through and the things I did to please other people. It was stupid of me. (Shout out to Katie Cowan for telling me that pleasing people is basically stupid - not directly quoted.) I was talking to my mama on the phone today and something she said to me hit me kind of hard. She said, "Kels I am glad you are happy again. It has been a long time since I have heard you be this happy. Welcome back." I am back. I am alive and watch out because I am kicking. I have a lot of life to catch up on.
The end.
(Is it weird that every post I make I type it out, publish it, preview it, fix it, add a few more two-bits, preview it, fix it, publish it again, then my mom will read it and tell me something I need to fix, so I do, then I publish it again. . . and so on and so forth. . . )
(Is it weird that every post I make I type it out, publish it, preview it, fix it, add a few more two-bits, preview it, fix it, publish it again, then my mom will read it and tell me something I need to fix, so I do, then I publish it again. . . and so on and so forth. . . )
I am falling in love with turtle necks.
Maybe it is the warmth from the Logan coldness.
Perhaps the modesty.
Do I need a legitimate reason?
I think not.
Maybe it is the warmth from the Logan coldness.
Perhaps the modesty.
Do I need a legitimate reason?
I think not.
I think I hit the wall and now I am rebounding off-
I should be to bed.
It is 2 in the morning, and I have a ridiculously long, but fun day tomorrow!
I may feel a tad-bit crazy!
Hey pretty girl. Glad you're back. I love how easy it is for you to write from your heart. That doesn't come easy to me. And I never commented on it before, but I loved how you posted that Format song. It's a good one. :)
Nice post...I agree with the previous comment. By the way, that's cool about deciding to be a photo major! I hope you enjoy it and good luck. You are very talented in it...maybe you will have to take some family pictures for me sometime :)
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