Sunday, September 26, 2010

What a beautiful day.

I love Sundays.
I even love Fast-Sundays.
Today I have been touched.  I was humbled.  I was taught.  I absorbed.  I was humiliated. I was blessed. I was overjoyed.  I was loved.  I did love.

Finding joy in what I have right now. 
"There is no tomorrow to remember if we don't take time for today." President Monson
I am one who likes to make plans.  I spend days planning on what to do- even though I hate to admit this I like to be structured and organized when it comes to scheduling. . . I give all credit to this attribute of mine to my mother who has forever kept a daily planner.
Don't get me wrong I think it is super important to have a schedule and a plan, to always be prepared and on top of things, but sometimes we get too caught up in these calendars that we forget to live for today.
"Actively seeking happiness!"

Yesterday at women's conference President Monson did absolutely amazing!  Even by watching him enter the room on a t.v. screen I could feel the presence of the spirit.  He is a mighty warrior of the Lord. He said something that I have been processing through my head all last night and today- he quoted Mother Teresa saying, "If you judge people you have no time to love them."  I like that.  I want to always remember that.  So when I am walking down the street people watching I want to fall in love with them instead of pick them apart.  Think about it.  Love is amazing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too love that quote. I love how Pres. Monson was so humorous with us yet serious at the same time. His love emulates so strongly. The Holy Ghost is the best gift we could ever have.