I love it. It makes me happy.
I have had the most amazing week, and now as I am sitting here on my bed I feel a bit melancholy-ish. I don't know why to be honest. Maybe it is because I have tons of homework and mid terms to study for, maybe it is because I feel very grateful and I only want to repay everyone for all they have done, or perhaps it is the fact that my time is slipping away from me. . . .
Yesterday I was texting my sister. O how I miss her so much. She probably doesn't even realize it, but she said some things to me that has really made me think. Then I went to IWA Women's Conference today and I was hit with the same thoughts. I am always amazed at how the Lord speaks to me. I have grown so close to My Heavenly Father these past few months, all I want to do is pray- all the time.
Have you ever thought of the importance of one day? Today is Saturday and as I will spend the rest of it doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen, studying and doing homework, someone else is getting married, having a child, celebrating a victory, falling in love, taking their last breath, crying over a failure, agonizing because of death. . . Major life changing events. A pivoting point. Days that will never be forgotten. . . and here I sit. And o how thankful I am just to sit here thinking.
I am always reassured that life is just simply marvelous.
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