ANYHOW back to our common interest! Shaylie now loves reading! I have always loved to read- well since 2nd grade when Mrs. Anderson taught me to love it! She has picked up some series that my mom calls "the Jewel Series". That isn't what they are really called, but it is a series by Lynn Gardner.
I am glad that she is into books! It is fun talking about what we read and though this may not seem like such a big deal to her it is to me! I am really going to miss her next year when I off to the land of far far away!
Love you Shay!
I snuck this picture of Shay reading on our way home from Monticello when we played softball down there. It is like a four hour drive and I swear she read all the way down and all the way home.
Notice: there is a flashlight that was hung from the ceiling so that everyone who wanted to read their books could gather round the light!- It reminded me of the little moths that gather around the light during summer nights!
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