There were a few junior boys who weren't going to go to their junior prom for various reasons, such as: they had been turned down, some didn't have the money and others just plain out didn't want to go. Prom at my school is a BIG deal and the some of the staff felt that these boys should have the opportunity to go. That is where I come in. The staff hit the six senior cheerleaders up and asked if we would ask the boys to go with us. The original plan was to have six girls ask five boys and we would just go to prom as a huge group. . . .but things didn't work out as such. By the night of prom two boys had plain out told us no, two of them got dates and so Dylan was the only date that we had.
Not wanting him to feel out numbered we thought we would shrink our numbers. Chevia and I were the winners and we got to take him!
I was really nervous at first, I mean I knew Dylan, during the summer he would bring us, the lifeguards, donuts every day. But I wanted to make his prom AMAZING and to not add any other pressure it was his birthday, meaning we had to make it twice as SPECTACULAR!
The day of Chevia and I sent Dylan little notes in almost every class that gave him details to what we would be doing. One note said, for example: "Get zipped up in your TUXEDO and we will take you to go get a BURRITO!"
We were a little late to pick him up - in fact we couldn't find his house for the life of us! We finally called him and he talked us through! We didn't want to have anyone sit in the back so we stuck a pillow in the middle of Chevia's bug and that is where Dylan sat. It was so fun all sitting there squished together, and it made the whole night that much better.
After pictures and dinner we went to the high school to get ready for the promenade. For all who don't know how prom happens in my small town- it is a big deal, a REALLY big deal. The whole community pays to come watch the junior class preform a dance that was choreographed and practice by the junior class. We got Dylan back in time to be introduced with his class and to do the promenade dance.
My little sister, Shay, was asked to prom by Kurtis. (Shay says that they aren't "boyfriend and girlfriend" but they are! haha) I was glad that I got to share this night with her! It rock!
Look how cute we are! Dylan was complemented all night for having two dates to prom! Everyone was asking him how he managed to be so lucky! He got hard pats on the back, high fives, and tons of head nods through out the evening! Dylan couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear! He wasn't a bad dancer either! Along with the smooth skills that he already had I taught him a few swing dancing moves and he became a dancing fool!

This picture is really dark but if you look closely you can see the birthday cake that we surprised Dylan with at the dance (: Everyone sang and Dylan was able to blow out his birthday candles!
The night was a hit! Not only were we the last ones on the dance floor but Dylan couldn't stop smiling! He told us that it was one of the best birthdays that he has ever had! I was able to make new friends, have a wickedly fun night, and play prom again! (:
Thanks Dylan for going with us to Prom!
(my mom did my hair this year! it was cute huh!? thanks mommy! she did a better job than the job that I paid for last year)
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