You know when you wake up and know it is going to be a glorious day? Well today I had one of those days! Despite anything that was trying to get in my way (like an art final, crazy freshmen, and the fact that the inside of my school is an ice box).

I love reading books! Lately I have had to restrain myself from getting lost in the pages of a good book because I have things that HAD to be done. However I have decided that I feel good when I am entranced by words on pages. In my yearbook class, since the yearbook is finished and submitted we are reading The Five People You Meet In Heaven. Everyone in the class had to purchase their own book so that you could make it "your own". Write the thoughts and feelings that entangle in your mind while reading. I had to restrain myself from completely finishing the book last night- (don't tell my mother, but I stayed up until two in the morning reading the book)! There is a line that I have thought about all day for particular reasons that I cannot share, but it goes like this, "Scenery without solace is meaningless"- The Blue Man. Think about it.

I have always been an advocate for warm weather! In fact during the winter my mom sometimes thinks that I suffer from winter depression. . . Not sever I promise, but it is true I'm happier in the summer time! (: Anyhow lately I have loved being outside, smelling the fragrant air, watching the grass turn green, and listening to the birds who are starting to move back for the lovely summer season! I have even started to get a tan! (meaning that people won't come up to me and ask me if I'm ill because I look pale!- I hate that)
I love the spring and all, but WELCOME SUMMER!

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