Monday, September 28, 2009

Homecoming Date

My Homecoming Date was a blast. Our group consisted of all of my best friends! Kinz, Eric, Syd, Kaden, and Taylor! The boys took us Up North and we went Ice Skating. It was my first time ever- and despite falling on my butt twice and having a few close calls I absolutely LOVED it and I can't wait until I get to go again... I'm hoping we go soon!The three of us girlies.. I know it looks like Syd's shirt says a bad word but it honestly doesn't (: We had to skate CAREFULLY because we couldn't risk any serious injury that could ruin our volleyball skills! I wish it wasn't fuzzy.
This is a very very cute picture! Poor Kinz though she got huge welts on the outsides of her legs from her skates... A little background on Kinz she is very much pigeon toed and well pigeon toed people and ice skates don't really mix well- luckily she is tough! grr!
Taylor and I tried to do a trick....AND as you can see.. It didn't work out so well.. Kaden got the award for all around BEST SKATER.. he rocked at it- and he had never been either.. Eric got the award for the most falls, I got the most graceful, Syder got the award for never falling, Kinz for the most cautious, and Taylor for the most experienced.. he had been once before.
We were terribly exhausted from the long week of all the Homecoming festivities- Most of us, except Eric because he was driving, fell asleep at least once on the way home.

O la la! This was the lovely picture before we left for the dance, and sweet Taylor brought me flowers. I love getting flowers! Good move Taylor.

After a few hours of Dancing we went to Kaden's and had a small fire and roasted Mallows! YUM! Because our dresses were mostly DRY CLEAN ONLY we put some of Kaden's clothes on so ours wouldn't get all smokey! We look cute in his clothes huh!?Roast'n Mallows- I crave Mallows that are roasted! I can imagine the smell of them right now!Shay and I got home from our dates close to the same time- Don't we look just cute in our matching dresses. I remember when we were little I would hate having matching clothes like her and it was even worse when we wore the outfit on the same day. Now I think it is fun to be a twinner with my sister!

I had a fantastic night to top off the CRAZY homecoming week!

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