Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hard at Work!

I've tried doing this post five times.. and well after my dad closing the screen, a few "errors on page" and my mom cutting out the circuits to the computer I'm just about ready to give up. O and well I wrote a lot of detail and fun stuff the first couple of posts, but now I just don't want to go into it all again.. I'll just give you a quick over view of us getting our pool ready for the opening day!
Saturday we went to the pool to get it ready for opening- We also started filling it! It takes about a day and a half to fill. While it was feeling we had to do all the little odd jobs like scrub toilets, wash walls, clean out lights, plant flowers, sweep and spray off decks, etc. and between each job we just had to go see how the pool was doing! At first the water look really sick, I mean it was coming out of the pumps green (gross I know, but I guess that is how it always looks at first). All day long we just wanted to get into the water and the hotter it got the more tempting it got. By end of the day it had started to come into the shallow and when PQ told us we were done for the day we decided to get in. Now the water it was freezing and we knew it would be and by the time we had decided to get in well it had started to rain which made it even more freezy! In fact the water was so cold that we started turning purple-ish gray colors!


Teresa and Jim said...
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Ty and Brandie said...

Hi Kelsie!Isn't summer so fun? I loe swimming and it looks like you do too. I prefer a heated pool though (lol). It would be awesome to run into you this summer. Hope you have a blast!

The Quarnbergs said...

Paula told me about you guys' first swim. She said that she was laughing so hard. That is why I was there that day with the girls in swim suits, she told me they would be filling it and to bring the girls over. But to bad for us, they didn't start until later! My girls would have loved it! You guys are so cute and funny! See ya at the pool!