Wednesday, December 29, 2010

bushy brows and all.

Everyone sees their own imperfections, and I have been picking myself apart all day.

I for one have bushy eyebrows- like MAN EYEBROWS that grow down my eye lids!  GROSS! (thank the heavens for hair wax, it is a lifesaver, or a hair-remover.  No pun intended.)  

I am strong.  I have muscles in my arms and legs that are a tad-bit largish. . .  Now, I love being strong and muscular, don't get me wrong but it also causes times to be tough. . .
1)  Most girls don't have muscles so clothes don't fit right.
2)  Boys always want to compare and then arm wrestle, I am competitive so sometimes I will play- and sometimes I win.  Note-to-self: not good to beat a guy at an arm wrestle (they don't take it very well).

I could sit here and continue "picking" until all I would have left was pieces.  But I won't.

When I am picking myself apart I forget that my body was a gift, a gift from God.
It is even worse when I start "picking" at someone else.

Yesterday I went to Temple Square to see the lights.
Of course they were spectacular- I mean they are the Temple Lights, but that isn't want I caught myself looking at all night long.  As I walked around the grounds my eyes were lost in the crowds of people that were taking in the beautiful sights.  I was in a humble mood- taking everything in.
I sat down in the corner of the room on the floor in the North Visitors Center at Temple Square and stared at the people around the Christus.  I felt calm.  I have always been a deep-ish thinker and while I was sitting there the thought that I knew all these people was humbling.  The knowledge that the Lord loves all of his children gave me peace and I was reassured in that moment that this church is true.

It is a small moment like this one that put me in my place.
These moments remind me of a greater perspective and forces me to my knees.
My heart is filled with gratitude.
I love myself.
I am thankful for my bushy brows and all.

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