Monday, May 10, 2010

LITTLE heads up.

Okay so yesterday in Young Women's Sister Bree gave a lesson on keeping a journal.
First of all I love lessons on journal keeping it gets me so revved up and inspired to write. Which I think is a good thing.
Secondly she talked about writing down now only about what happened to us that day, but also the things we think about, our likes/dislikes, the things that make us who we are.
Thirdly I do keep a journal. I usually write spiritual thoughts, questions, experience that I have in it, so my blog is kinda where I release all the stuff I don't mind sharing with the whole world.
Some time my posts may feel random. It is true. I'm kinda a random person, but I am who I am.

Just for the record I like records. I love histories of people.
I like meeting my teenage grandmother (Grandma RueLeen- Mom's mom) who wrote about dancing with my Grandpa Wendell (Dad's dad) at a school dance.
I like comparing my life to lives that are now only relived through words on pages.
Someday my life will be relived.
I hope who ever tries it on for size cherishes it like I have.
Now I may sound a bit "teacherly" but I'm serious.
We have been commanded to record our lives by the Lord.
Does that put a little presser on the subject doesn't it?
Records live forever.
Keep one.

P.S. I challenge everyone to write a little bit more.

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