We played model in our swim suits! O la la! O and notice the robes! There were a ton of them at the house. . I swear it was so much nicer than a hotel!
Soakin it up! Notice my man arms. . . That is all I ever notice in my pictures, I'll admit I'm a bit prideful of them!
The steam shower! It was so steamy hot and fun, but at the same time it made it hard to breath, and to see for that matter.
We got all cute to go boarding and by the end of the day we looked. . . well you could just say that next time we go boarding I won't even take the time! (:

"THE PEOPLE MOVER" I loved this little ride! Chevia was a bit nervous, she is scared of heights, but I thought it was beautiful!
"The Bunny Hill" This hill is where we spent all our time. We didn't dare try any other hill besides this one. We figured if we crashed a lot on the smallest, easiest hill we could only imagine the damage that could have been done on a large, much more experienced hill!
Talented skiers in style!
Eating lunch! The pizza we had was huge-mungus! but so filling! (:
Adrean, Chev, and I on the lift headed for the top of the slope!
Chevia turned eighteen this last weekend! For MOD we had a pajama night and a sleep over to celebrate. Then she had asked me to go with her to Park City and go snow boarding. Since we had games to cheer at Friday and Saturday night we had to wait until after church on Sunday to leave. Luckily it was Martin Luther King Jr. Day which means NO SCHOOL!
Sunday night we just chillin inside a ginormous house! Chevia parents have some really wealthy friends who live up there and one particular let us stay in his Party City home while he was away. I call it his Park City home because I guess he has many home throughout the nation. It was way nice! We had dinner and then just enjoyed ourselves with the luxury of the place! With the hot tub, the steam showers, and the marvelous feeling beds! The house had everything. . . well all but a picture of Christ, it was missing that.
The next morning we woke up and got all cute to go snow boarding! Neither Chevia or I had ever been so we didn't know what to expect exactly. Renting boots, bindings and boards and then headed to the Canyons to board was, I'm not going to lie, nerve racking! Another friend of Chevia's family leases the land to the Canyon Resort and they gave us free passes which rocked and it was very generous of them!
For all those who have never been, or have never heard, snowboarding is HARD and it HURTS! Especially the first time you go! It honestly doesn't look like it would be that hard. The first two runs down I didn't know how to slow down let alone stop, so I would just fall on my butt when I would get scared from going so fast, and after a while I started feeling it! Adrean, the younger sister of the family friend taught us how to slow down. She related it to a back set for volleyball and that really helped me! We went on about ten runs and I made it down one time without falling once! I was so proud.
I struggled getting off the lift, I fell almost every time. One time Chevia and I rode up with a boy from Brazil. We told him that we were really bad at getting off the slop and that he should stay clear of us because we didn't want to take him down with us. I don't think he believed us. We started getting off, Chev lost her balance and grabbed me, at the same time her board hit the Brazilian kids and he fell. Chevia and I were on the ground all tangled up. The guy running the lift was yelling at us to get out of the unloading zone! I think they had to stop the lift for a minute, but i wasn't watching because I was trying to crawl out of the way with Chevia! I know we were quit the sight to see!
A man who stood behind us in the lift line asked us if we were getting better! Haha he must of seen us struggling on the slope. Did I mention we had never even met this man. We really must have looked like armatures!
All in all I only ran into three people, two moving, and one stationary, all of which were really nice and understanding. I couldn't sit comfortably on the truck ride home because my butt ached from my many falls and lastly I laughed so hard at my self and at others! I can't wait to go again someday soon!
The resort was beautiful and I met a lot of very nice people. I don't get why everyone says that boarders and skiers don't get along because in Park City everyone was just there to have a great time! I loved it, Thanks for taking me Chevia! Happy Birthday by the way!
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